
Gothic Desire

Gothic Desire By: Digital Indulgence at PMTWS
Mask of choice
Ephesis a rob font
Tag Template RNRTT5

 Zlata's Fab art

Open your template and canvas size to around 900x900
You can down size it later.
Open the darkest paper from kit and load the maks of choice.
I normally use a VIX mask!
add inside frame a red paper and apply L&K-Zita
add your close-up tube, duplicate and blur by 4
set to hard light and 67 opacity
spread out the elements aroubd on each side so it's balanced out
not too many elements one one side
add the main tube and the word art ele.
repeat duplicate tube adjust blur by 3
then set to hard light
continue adding the other elements and type your name
add © and save
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