Love Notes

Amy Matthews
Love Notes by Designs by SarahMy Templates
Open my supplied templates
copy small one-paste as new image,then
remove from origial file
leave main temp as is
open pink envelope
rotate with move tool
re-size to site just iside temp
erase out overage shadow it lightly
open sb_pmt_love-notes_note 4
and re-size as needed
paste as new on both temps
erase off what you dont need
see mine below

open sb_pmt_love-notes_print 2
pull below frame
erase overage
using manual color correction
change the color ofprint2 ele
see below

sb_pmt_love-notes_note 6
add as new layer
erase overage
add paper and repeat erasure of excess
then fill avatar layer with same paper
from here begin adding your tube/tubes of choice
and remove excess
still on tube layer-apply any layer properties
or favorite filter

add larger tube-mirror
apply xero-radiance
merge and clip
copy a part for avatar your done then add copyright and text
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