Heart Breaker
Heart Breaker by Alika's Scraps
Purchase at PMTWS
Art Zindy
Open a paper and paste onto a 650x650 canvas
image re-size all layers un-checked 95%
do this 5 times to see all 4 sides of paper
load any mask,I am using an exclusive by
Minxy at Creative Misfits.
merge group and duplicate
add circular frame tap inside with mand tool
modify expand by 4 invert
and on duplicate of mask press delete.
repeat using a closeup if avail.
merge layers of mask again, duplicate tube
adjust blur by 2 set top layer to screen
merge all with masked layer now
add the sringy heart,use rotate tool to move it right a bit.
add main tube and other elements.
type out text(Name) duplicate and re-color
to match kit or tube
erase parts of top copy and merge these only
add glow and shadow
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