
Tagging An Exclusive tube

 An AWESOME kit by Roo called Bubbletric. Which you can purchase Here
Art is The Always Stunning work of Mr. Keith Garvey.
I won the commission drawing back in July
and yesterday donated her Sexy Ass to a forum I dearly Love!
Open a large canvas and paste your tube.
I am using mine at full size,so it can be scaled down later.
canvas is at 1000x1000
add a frame selection tool inside
now modify expand at 4,then invert.
paste full closeup arrange and press delete
then select none
This prevents it from being tubed out of tags.
as you should already have a full sized tube on working area
add some elements over her mid section and legs.
rotate slightly one way, I did right way
add some sparkles or bubbles
and apply xero radience to main tube
re-size all layers by 95% till it's at 662x662
add copyrights and put your quotes  and name over her
to prevent tubing out of your creations.
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